Social wellbeing is all about our need to have good social support in our lives - friends, family, work mates, pets, music, the arts. We are tribal animals - not isolated polar bears.

Its related to happiness - good interpersonal relationships are the most important factor in the science of happiness
“Happy at work and loved at home”

Work Life balance is key to allowing us to develop our social contacts, friendships, and to have quality time in our busy lives.

Bullying in the workplace is a major cause of distress to individuals and teams – so called interpersonal conflict needs expert management. A dignity at work policy is essential in all organisations and the Human Resources team has a major role to play in addressing these issues. Employee Assistance Programmes which include counselling services are often the first point of contact for the victim.

Martin’s Money Tips
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is defined by the Home Office - as "any violence between current and former partners in an intimate relationship, wherever the violence occurs.  The violence may include physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse." Domestic violence occurs across society regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, wealth and geography.  The British Crime Survey (BCS) estimates that there were 635,000 incidents of domestic violence in 2001/2 (514,000 against women and 122,00 against men). More information

Domestic violence incidents make up nearly a quarter of all violent crime but less than 35 per cent of actual domestic violence is reported to the police. 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes and between 6-10% of women suffer Domestic Violence in a given year (Council of Europe, 2002).
Childcare Services
Single parents: Almost one in four children in England and Wales now lives in a one-parent family, (2001 Census) More Information

Working parents: The survey of 2,504 mothers of 17-month old babies and 1,512 of the children's fathers revealed that dads are now deeply involved in their kids' upbringing. The proportion of fathers working flexible hours to fit around childcare arrangements rose from 11% to 31% between 2002 and 2005. The number working from home doubled from 14% to 29%. It's all part, say fathers' campaigning groups, of a real change in the home and workplace.

Ageing population: There is now a global recognition of the changing demographics and an ageing population
In 2005 the percentage of the UK Population over 65 was 16.1%. In 2030 it will be 23% The average life expectancy is now 83 for men and 86 for women. In 1950 16% of the male adult population was in retirement - in2005 it was 30.7%.

In Europe by 2050 the number of people over 60 will have doubled to 40%, or 60% of the working age population. We need to understand these potential issues - use the workplace as a place to improve the health and wellbeing of the working age population
Age Discrimination

The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 - SI No 2006/1031 - came into force on 1 October 2006: More information

Social wellbeing can often be helped and supported by advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau