Where we live and where we work affects our wellbeing.
Our country, climate, culture, ethnicity, religions, housing, and workplace are all important in our overall wellbeing.
Where we work
Work place risks
Good Occupational Health and safety at work is essential for wellbeing by reducing the risks of work related ill health and accidents at work.

There are 5 hazards at Work

The culture and behaviours in a team and organisation are one of the most important factors which affect well being - Is your workplace warm and cuddly or cold and grizzly??

Ergonomics is simply how to get the best ” human fit” in an environment usually the workplace

Our partner “Guru” in ergonomics is David Hitchcock and for the best ergonomically designed office equipment and furniture our partner is Posturite

The Health and Safety Laboratory is a Centre of Excellence for Ergonomics in the UK
Where we live
Wellbeing is affected by where we live.

Each country has specific problems - war, terrorism, religious and cultural conflict. The climate effects wellbeing, drought, famine, hurricanes, floods and the endemic diseases - malaria, risk of snake bite etc.

In the UK most problems are related to housing problems, crime, local disputes and the neighbours.


Travel to and from work can be stressful and has a major influence on our wellbeing. Traffic congestion means that we spend longer time at the wheel over short distances, road rage is more prevalent and late overcrowded trains means that we arrive in
work already worn out - these are the “workstyle” health and wellbeing issues - try cycling to work!


Business travel, within the UK or abroad, or going on holiday can have the a negative effect on wellbeing.
Advice on Travel Health is available from Fit For Travel

Expatriot Life

More and more people are leaving the UK to live abroad It is essential to maintain good health care and personal wellbeing and Virtual health club

The Environment

The slow train crash of Global Warming has to be addressed - the wellbeing of us all is being affected.