Economic wellbeing is about our financial security “wealth health”
It changes throughout our lives depending upon a particular time and our age. It can be one of the most uncontrollable stressors to affect wellbeing. The basis is the amount of our disposable income
Money in --v -- Money out

Financial difficulties are becoming more prevalent and more serious. Credit Card Debt is major cause of disturbed wellbeing as are rising interest rates, difficulty getting onto the house ownership ladder, mortgage rates and “high expectations in the “ I want it now” Society

Our partner Guru in financial management is David Van Der Hoeven from Clark Gillone - e mail
Total UK personal debt

Britain's personal debt is increasing by £1 million every four minutes.

At the end of June 2006 the total UK personal debt was £1,228bn. Total secured lending on homes passed £1 trillion (£1,000 billion) in May 2006.In June 2006 it was £1015.9bn.

Total consumer credit lending to individuals in June 2006 was £211.6bn. This had increased 7.3% in the previous 12 months.

Average household debt in the UK is approximately £8,569 (excluding mortgages) and £49,696 including mortgages.
Average owed by every UK adult is approximately £26,334 (including mortgages).

Average consumer borrowing via credit cards, motor and retail finance deals, overdrafts and unsecured personal loans has risen to £4,540 per average UK adult.

The Citizens Advice Bureau is an excellent source of advice for debt and personal bankruptcy problems.

Last year the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) dealt with 1,128,000 debt enquiries. In the last decade the number of consumer debt problems dealt with by CAB has increased 118%. CAB clients have an average of £13,000 of debt which is nearly 17.5 times their monthly income. On average it would take CAB clients 77 years to pay back their debts in full.

Bankruptcy is becoming a major issue in the UK and is having a major impact on wellbeing

Gambling debt needs professional support and advice

Gambling addiction is becoming more common – expert psychological advice is available from out partners at Psicon